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MRI Odds and Ends...To Better Read a Scan

Picture this: You are in a MRI technologist program learning the foundation of what is needed to operate the MRI modality. It is time to discuss scanning.  How am I supposed to do it?  What do all the parameters mean?  There are how many pulse sequences?  What am I ACTUALLY looking at? (Sectional Anatomy, I’m looking at you…) How do I figure out what level and plane I’m viewing? Let’s just say the list can go on and on. There is of course a learning curve and it will become second nature as time goes on. This post compiles considerations for MRI scanning odds and ends to help put it all together to "read" a scan. What I mean by "reading" a scan is to understand what you are looking at to take the best possible images for the Radiologist doing the reading/interpreting. There is of course so much not included and still to be learned, but hopefully this blog makes the initial transition a little smoother.

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